About us…

IrelandOffline is a voluntary organisation campaigning for universal high-speed broadband for all

Satellite is not really “broadband”

IrelandOffline has performed a technical capacity analysis on total satellite broadband throughput metrics in recent weeks. This analysis was conducted once Hylas-1 and Ka-Sat went live. Hylas-1 and Ka-Sat between them more than quadrupled satellite “broadband” capacity in Ireland. IrelandOffline has come to the inescapable conclusion that the total capacity of all satellite broadband providers operating in Ireland is less than the backhaul available to the rather small Roscahill exchange in County Galway and indeed that of many small rural exchanges. Satellite is an ideal broadcast mechanism for television but owing to natural constraints it is not suitable for large...

Ireland’s best kept secret

Ireland’s best kept secret The Rural broadband Scheme was sneaked out in a Press Release and an announcement on the Department’s website on the 9th of May. We have to wonder at the absurdity of this step…surely the people without broadband will not be able to read the website in the first place as the scheme is supposedly designed to deliver a basic broadband service to those people. As it stands now they do not have broadband and therefore cannot access the website. Sir Humphrey (Yes Minister) himself would be proud of the administrative elegance displayed by the announcement. The...

Another Fine Mess You Made Of Things Comreg

Shortly, possibly even as soon as September 2011, IrelandOffline expect to see another fine Comreg mess, possibly the finest mess of all. It will be in the form of the fifth public mobile licensing round(1) Despite their having presided over three of these public licensing rounds themselves it seems that Comreg essentially know nothing about mobile technology and couldn’t care less about the end user. But this time it really matters. The reason it really matters is because Comreg propose to turn off the most successful and widely available mobile service in early 2013 and have evidently not thought through...

Quarterly Report q2 2011

Dear Pat, We know you have been awfully busy with the first 100 days of government, and all that, and we are releasing this on day 93 of the 100. We are sure your civil servants have snowed you under with reams and reams of elegiac and unctuous paperwork explaining why they can do nothing and why they will do nothing for their country. They are past masters at producing sumptuous can’t do and won’t do memos. You must be awfully tired by now having to read yourself into all of them. We’d be delighted to help you understand the...

Comreg makes up stuff

Irelandoffline Demands Immediate Restatement of Deliberate 3G Coverage Misinformation Supplied by Comreg to EU for the years 2009 and 2010. Irelandoffline has analysed the data provided by National Regulators to the EU in respect of the EU Digital Agenda ( i2010) and we will be publishing our greatly expanded BB Speedtest quarterly report in time for the 1st EU Digital Assembly meeting in less than a fortnight. The most important data is the Coverage data. We looked at three key measures which are: 1. Fixed Broadband Coverage by Population Nationally 92.7% in 2010 (1) 2. Fixed Broadband Coverage By Population...