
Broadband now available in every district in Ireland – Minister

IrelandOffline refute NBS claims of Minister Ryan IrelandOffline read with interest the announcement of the Minister today that broadband is now available to over 99% coverage for the whole country. Patently this is far removed from the reality of the NBS. Never before has a Minister claimed to break the laws of physics -other laws perhaps- but never physics. These laws are immutable no matter what kind of expensive marketing you have. This what the National Broadband scheme is supposed to deliver contractually: “A service with a minimum download speed of 1.6Mbps and maximum of 6.8Mbps with a contention ratio...

Eircom, The Broadband Company not the Phone Company.

Eircom, The Broadband Company not the Phone Company. For many years the standard excuses coming from previous incarnations of eircom about broadband were infused with a grim technophobic hilarity.eircom was not going to roll out broadband or any more broadband because there was “no demand” for it. Dialup Internet was making a lot of money for eircom in those days. While it seems ludicrous to look back at these statements today, we know they were mainly excuses to hide the chronic lack of ongoing investment as the company was asset stripped by by various “investors”. Ironically one investor enabled quite...

The myth of the competitive market

IrelandOffline, a leading consumer advocacy group, have received a letter from a member outlining the reason that broadband is not available in certain areas of the country and the excuses for this failure as outlined by the Minister of Communications. Minister Ryan responds to every query with : “The provision of broadband services is, in the first instance, a matter for the private sector service providers operating in Ireland’s fully liberalised telecommunications market. Broadband services are provided by private service providers over various platforms including DSL (i.e. over telephone lines), fixed wireless, mobile, cable, fibre and satellite.” IrelandOffline would like...

How green is your broadband

How green is your broadband IrelandOffline, a leading consumer group, have studied the “green” ideal of various different broadband technologies. We have come to the conclusion that the electricity usage of mobile technologies (as used in the National Broadband Scheme) is far worse than ordinary DSL technologies. If our goal is that of a sustainable economy then excess usage of electricity must be looked at very carefully. Green technology gone astray Mobile A base station (where your calls and NBS comes from) are 800 Watts each for each transmitter/receiver (even though the aerial is fed 10W to 20W of RF...

IrelandOffline have quietly been working on a plan

IrelandOffline have quietly been working on a plan. IrelandOffline believe that one of the key goals of any “Smart Economy” is to have fibre running to within a few kilometres of every citizen of that “Economy”. With the lack of vision and leadership from the Department of Energy, Communications and Natural Resources it fell to IrelandOffline to help drive some form of coherent national policy forward. Even in these straitened economic times access to broadband is still a burning issue and this issue still needs to be addressed for the benefit of the country. Better access to broadband nationwide will...