
Landline Penetration in Ireland Drops Below 50%

Landline Penetration in Ireland Drops Below 50% IrelandOffline have examined the latest figure from eircom and observe that the latest results state that they now only have 999,000 residential customers down some 108,000 or 10% on the year.(1) Ireland has 2.04m homes. (2) Eamonn Wallace,Chairman of IrelandOffline  notes “This equates to a landline penetration of under 50% which is by far the lowest in the developed world. This is unsurprising as eircom line rental is the highest in the whole world and has been so since 2003.  As late as 1998, shortly before privatisation, landline penetration was around 90% of...

Sky Broadband

Sky Broadband We have received  a number of enquiries asking about how the entry of Sky into the broadband market in Ireland will be a “game changer” and other unrealistic expectations. For IrelandOffline the entry of Sky into the Irish market is fundamentally uninteresting as Sky will probably not add one iota of new infrastructure. They will simply be just another reseller of BT and eircom infrastructure like Vodafone and a myriad of others. The only innovation Sky may offer is better marketing and perhaps a better bundled offer (one of interest only to those who want Pay TV*). It...

Short Comreg response

ComReg dodges the question(s) on spectrum auctions and 4G rollout We read with much mirth and bemusement Comreg’s “answers” to simple questions posed by SiliconRepublic. (1) The so-called answers are worthy of an episode of “Yes Minister”. Not a single simple question was, in fact, actually answered. What is most telling from their copy and pasted response is what was actually left out. In a copy and pasted and overly long and verbose response to what are perfectly reasonable questions they cannot say: whether the auction and bidding has started yet what they are doing to expedite the delay in...

Comreg – terminate this Secretive auction process now!

Comreg – terminate this Secretive auction process now! Comreg have run a veritable cornucopia of consultations, even by their tortuous standards, on how to conduct the largest spectrum auction (the 4G auction) in Irish history during 2012. In between strange micro-eruptions of “Fantasy Cricket” leagues in Comreg and consultations that were strangely detached from the answers they received in immediately preceding consultations, they eventually finalised the process in June and launched their spectrum auction in July. But by the time Comreg started the auction a fatal flaw was evident. They were not auctioning spectrum in a competitive environment, they were...

Finally some good news but a lot yet to be done

Finally some good news but a lot yet to be done Finally, after waiting for many years, there have been some serially positive announcements on advanced Broadband over the past few months.While this is good news for urban areas, these announcements will make little impact on the dire broadband situation around the rest of the country where most consumers are stuck on 3Mb/s “broadband” or simply cannot get any form of broadband. We warmly welcome all of these initiatives to roll out high capacity Broadband, particularly those from UPC and the ESB  and look forward to Ireland being in the...